Important Steps to Follow After a Boating Accident at Boca Bash | Boca Raton Personal Injury Attorney | Michael Fischetti

Important Steps to Follow After a Boating Accident at Boca Bash | Boca Raton Personal Injury Attorney | Michael Fischetti

Boca Bash is the annual lake party in Boca Raton, bringing together boats and fun for everyone. Unfortunately, sometimes boating accidents occur. If you are ever...

Port St. Lucie Car Accident Attorney

Who is Michael Fischetti and Why You Should Hire Him as Your Car Accident Attorney

If you are looking for a car accident attorney in Port St. Lucie, Florida, then look no further than Michael Fischetti. With years of experience and extensive knowledge in the legal field, Michael...

The Acreage Attorney

Michael Fischetti's Expertise in PIP Collections for Personal Injury Cases

The acreage attorney, Michael Fischetti, has extensive experience in PIP collections for personal injury cases. With over 20 years of experience as an attorney specializing in personal injury cases, Michael Fischetti is highly knowledgeable in PIP suits, PIP...

Pompano Beach Boat Accident Lawyers: Who to Call After an Accident

Are you a resident of Pompano Beach or a visitor to the area who has been involved in a boat accident? If so, you may be in need of a Pompano Beach boat accident lawyer. Boat accidents can be devastating, leading to serious physical and emotional trauma. It...

PIP Lawyer Boynton Beach – Michael Fischetti PIP Attorney

PIP Lawyer Boynton Beach

Are you in need of  Litigation from a PIP lawyer in Boynton Beach, Florida? Look no further than Michael Fischetti PIP Attorney. With more than 25 years of experience, Michael is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable PIP lawyers in the area. He has...

Homeowner’s Insurance: What You Need to Know

Homeowner's Insurance Advice

Florida is known as the sunshine state, but that does not stop hurricanes or tropical storms from coming through occasionally. Florida has some of the highest homeowner insurance premiums in the United States because of the unpredictable. When paying insurance, you can either pay a monthly premium, semiannual, or...

Meet Michael Fischetti, Our Managing Partner

MEET MICHAEL FISCHETTI, A PERSONAL INJURY AND PIP COLLECTION ATTORNEY IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA [INSERT ACCORDION CODE!!!!] ABOUT Michael Fischetti is the founding and managing partner at the “Fischetti Law Group”. The founding principle for the law firm that bears his name was to provide the best, most aggressive representation possible while...

Common Reasons For Car Accidents In Florida


Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving. There are four types of distracted driving: Visual – looking at something other than the road ( cellphones, other devices, etc) Auditory – hearing something not related to driving Manual – manipulating something other than the steering wheel ...

Must Ask Questions For Your Personal Injury Attorney

In this day and age just about every industry will have a few bad actors. The law shouldn’t be one of those industries but to play “devil’s advocate,” we’ve compiled a list of must asks to better arm you in your personal injury attorney search:


How much do I need...