DCA Ruling Update: Full And Final Payments

Today the 3rd District Court of Appeal issued a ruling that will affect every medical provider's practice and require your practice and staff to be incredibly diligent when processing payments from insurance companies. You must pay attention to the language on checks for payment of your bills to ensure that they...

Florida Car Insurance Coverages Explained

It is recommended if within your financial means, to opt for as much coverage as possible. The following insurance guide is provided to let you know about all of the insurance options available and to help you understand which insurance benefits would best protect yourself and your family in the...

Common Reasons For Car Accidents In Florida

Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving. There are four types of distracted driving: Visual – looking at something other than the road ( cellphones, other devices, etc) Auditory – hearing something not related to driving Manual – manipulating something other than the steering wheel Cognitive –...

Florida’s Safety Is At Risk: Texting While Driving

If you are texting while driving, Florida’s Wireless Communications While Driving Law authorizes law enforcement officers to stop you and issue you a citation. The law, covered in Florida Statute § 316.305, took effect July 1, 2019. But WHAT IS NEW? Before the new ban, texting while driving...

New Years Resolution: Estate Planning

Planning your estate now doesn't mean you will die tomorrow, just as if you have homeowner's insurance doesn't mean your house will be destroyed. Estate planning as soon as possible is called peace of mind...and you can have it. So, when's the best time to plan your estate? Right now! But...

Steps to Take to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer

There is nothing wrong with working with an personal injury lawyer who has television commercials. Advertising is an important way for lawyers to get clients, after all, and those who can afford big advertisements are often available to take your case quickly. Unfortunately, though, looking at these...

Car Crash News – Bullet Train

Cinephiles everywhere rejoiced this past Saturday as the movie theatre industry made a gutsy move in offering any motion picture for a refreshing three-dollar entry fee (roughly sixty-thousand cinemas nationwide participated). I personally witnessed the very odd but well-produced and directed “Three Thousand Years of Longing.” While we may discuss...