Commercial Truck Accidents Boca Raton, Florida. Accident Attorney

Truck Accident Attorney Fort Pierce | Truck Accident Lawyer Florida



The repercussions of truck accidents can be especially devastating; injury victims must contend with long-term physical and emotional scars alongside a slew of costly medical expenses and possible career disruptions. Faced with such challenging circumstances, many survivors are left feeling helpless as they try to figure out their way through the complicated insurance claim process.

Have you suffered serious injuries in a truck accident due to the negligence of a truck driver? At The Fischetti Law Group, we offer FREE, no-obligation consultations to help you understand your legal options for compensation after a truck accident.

We are here to help you every step of the way in getting your life back on track. Call us today at 833-MIKE-247 to schedule a time to meet with our resident truck accident attorney.

truck accidents fort pierce - fort pierce truck accident attorney

Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accidents are some of the deadliest types of vehicle accidents. The truck size, load, and path can cause devastating collisions and is a primary reason why they are far more likely to roll over at certain speeds. Another reason why truck accidents are different is the potential involvement of the trucking company to defend against liability. That is why it is absolutely essential to call the Fischetti Law Group, so we can successfully navigate your claim properly and get you the compensation you are rightfully owed.


Personal Injury & Homeowner’s Claim Clients

“We have an experienced team, faster than average turnaround times and amazing results & payouts.”

(833) Mike – 247

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen?

Truck accidents are caused by truck driver negligence, trucking company negligence, and truck manufacturer negligence. A truck accident attorney in Fort Pierce can help you understand which party is liable for your injuries and damages and pursue a legal claim to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Distracted Driving

From phones, tablets, and GPS, there is no limit to the devices that can distract us while on the roadways. Truck drivers commonly travel long distances and perhaps may be more inclined to indulge in entertainment/distraction – but remember, it only takes ONE second of distraction for an accident to occur.


Truckers on a schedule can fall into the trap of speeding which is a major reason why it’s so common. As 18-wheelers speed down the highway, they are prone to roll-overs and catastrophic collisions.

Sleep Deprivation

Those who drive trucks know the grueling hours involved on a daily/nightly. Sleep deprivation can become an issue and in some cases, one second out of focus can spell disaster. Damage and accidents can occur when a driver is not in the right frame of mind in terms of energy and focus.

Driving Recklessly

Driving recklessly is always dangerous and a liability on the roadways. Swerving, sporadic lane switching and tailgating are just some of the ways that signify a reckless driver. Unfortunately, people tend to pay the price for someone else’s carelessness. Luckily, with our team by your side, you can get the help and compensation you deserve.